Tuesday 13 January 2015

Classification of Sexual Dysfunctions

Sexual dysfunctions are problems in human sexual response (desire, arousal and orgasm) that usually prevent the development of a fulfilling erotic life, affecting the overall health and self-esteem of the individual and their relationship.

Sexual dysfunctions are problems in human sexual response (desire, arousal and orgasm) that usually prevent the development of a fulfilling erotic life, affecting the overall health and self-esteem of the individual and their relationship.
What characteristics have sexual dysfunctions?
For a man to consider having a sexual dysfunction, it is necessary that this trouble feeling sexual desire (to want) or excited (and achieve erection) or to achieve orgasm (ejaculation and orgasm feel).
Any man can occasionally experience failures in sexual response (desire, arousal or orgasm), but there is talk of sexual dysfunction when the problem occurs for a time, at least three months and persistently, ie, repeats the problem again and again during those three months. 
Classification of sexual dysfunctions.If the sexual problem relates to lack or excess of “desire” to have a sexual activity, called “Dysfunctions of desire.”
If the difficulty is to feel aroused or achieve an erection, called “Dysfunctions of excitation”.
And if they are problems with ejaculation and orgasm feel are called “orgasmic dysfunction”.
Dysfunctions of desire.Hypoactive sexual desire.
In this dysfunction, the man happens:
You’ve lost the “feel” like a sexual encounter.
They have lowered their sexual thoughts and fantasies.
It has reduced the frequency of sexual activity begins.
The hyperactive sexual desire.
In this dysfunction, the man would think that:
Feel sexual desire (desire) most of the time, most of the day, at any time, no matter what you’re doing.
You can not control or delay the immediate need to satisfy his sexual desire.
You can not stop their behavior despite harmful consequences in their work, personal or with your partner.
Arousal dysfunction.Are those in which a difficulty either “feel excited” during sexual activity, or to “achieve an erection” or both experiences are presented.
Erectile DysfunctionSome men have trouble getting an erection, others manage it the most is incomplete, others do but lose the achieved before ejaculating. All these diversities are problems of male arousal.
Dysfunctions of orgasm.The dysfunctions of orgasm deal with difficulty “feel orgasm” or ejaculate, or both levels of orgasm.
Premature ejaculationThe most common is premature ejaculation, which implies that man does not control (voluntarily) when you want to ejaculate. Ejaculation quickly appears inevitable and untimely manner.
Delayed ejaculationThis dysfunction manifests contrary to premature ejaculation manner.Is that the man cannot or finds it extremely difficult to ejaculate despite receiving adequate stimulation, desire and try.
The orgasmic insensitivityThis dysfunction manifests contrary to premature ejaculation manner.
When a man has this disorder, your body has the answer orgasm (ie, yes ejaculates), but does not experience the pleasurable sensations of orgasm, as if disconnected from their feelings.
DyspareuniaThis dysfunction manifests contrary to premature ejaculation manner.
When a man has this disorder, your body has the answer orgasm (ie, yes ejaculates), but does not experience the pleasurable sensations of orgasm, as if disconnected from their feelings.
Sexual phobic avoidanceIn this problem, the man suffers severe discomfort, fear, anxiety, feeling of shortness of breath and other symptoms, when approaching the possibility of having an erotic encounter even though desiring and loving sexual partner.
This uncontrollable response causes man to avoid any situation of sex.
What to do?Consult a Sexologist Specialists Doctor or sexual therapists for sexual dysfunctions . Seek professional help and recover the right to live a full and satisfying sexuality